
今天看到了一本非常有启发的书:《war of art》,作者谈起如何作为创业者/艺术家,如何克服人的resistance这种破坏性的力量。他自己在写完这本书之前一直很失败。我自己在看的时候,非常地受到鼓舞。不知道为什么,我在制作游戏的时候,对于代码部分感到天然的抗拒。也许是因为我的逻辑思维太差,批判性训练也太少,长期缺乏收敛的思维将自己对于痛苦的耐受力降低过大;也可能是因为我每次想挑战自己的步子太大,总是强行制定过高的目标,最终在长期的负反馈中丧失了太多心气;


Resistance by definition is self-sabotage. But there’s a parallel peril that must also be guarded against: sabotage by others.

When a writer begins to overcome her Resistance—in other words, when she actually starts to write—she may find that those close to her begin acting strange. They may become moody or sullen, they may get sick; they may accuse the awakening writer of “changing,” of “not being the person she was.” The closer these people are to the awakening writer, the more bizarrely they will act and the more emotion they will put behind their actions.
当一位作家开始克服她的阻力,也就是说,当她真正开始写作时,她 可能会发现身边的人开始表现奇怪。他们可能变得情绪低落或郁闷, 可能会生病;他们可能会指责这位觉醒的作家“改变了”,“不再是以前 的那个人”。这些人离觉醒的作家越近,他们的行为就会变得越离奇, 他们对自己的行为也会投入更多的情感。

They are trying to sabotage her.

The reason is that they are struggling, consciously or unconsciously, against their own Resistance. The awakening writer’s success becomes a reproach to them. If she can beat these demons, why can’t they?
原因是他们在有意识或无意识地与自己的阻力作斗争。觉醒的作家的 成功成为他们的责备。如果她能战胜这些恶魔,为什么他们不能呢?

Often couples or close friends, even entire families, will enter into tacit compacts whereby each individual pledges (unconsciously) to remain mired in the same slough in which she and all her cronies have become so comfortable. The highest treason a crab can commit is to make a leap for the rim of the bucket.
通常情侣或亲密的朋友,甚至整个家庭,会默契地达成协议,每个人 都(无意识地)承诺陷入与她和她所有的朋友们都感到舒适的同样困 境中。螃蟹能犯下的最大背叛就是试图跳出桶子的边缘。

The awakening artist must be ruthless, not only with herself but with others. Once you make your break, you can’t turn around for your buddy who catches his trouser leg on the barbed wire. The best thing you can do for that friend (and he’d tell you this himself, if he really is your friend) is to get over the wall and keep motating.
觉醒的艺术家必须无情,不仅对自己,也对他人。一旦你突破了,就 不能为了那个被铁丝网勾住裤腿的朋友回头。对于那个朋友来说,你 能做的最好的事情(如果他真的是你的朋友,他会告诉你这个)就是 越过墙壁,继续前进。

The best and only thing that one artist can do for another is to serve as an example and an inspiration.
一个艺术家能为另一个艺术家做的最好、也是唯一的事情,就是成为 一个榜样和灵感的源泉。